Sunday, May 30, 2010

Meeting more Helpers

This week we had our first visit to the doctor. We will be going to a local woman's clinic that is just down the road from our house, and the hospital, so it should be a great connivance when things getting bigger and more immediate down the road. It was also a nice connivance because half the doctors there are women. Not that male doctors are bad, and I know that I prob won't care down the road who my doctor will be, but for the current circumstances, I am completely content and pleased to get to have a woman doctor for my comfort's sake. While at the doctor I had another lovely experience of peeing into a cup, I believe this going to be a fun regular thing for me along this joyous journey. I was almost blessed with the wonderful opportunity to have a pap and breast exam, and all those lovely check up sort of things, but they decided to wait on those till my next visit in a few weeks, and I had the even more exciting opportunity to have my very first ultrasound. I am so glad that my lovely helper husband was here with me for this, sitting next to holding my hand as we see first signs of a real life going on inside, and knowing that I haven't been feeling yucky for no reason. It look so energetic and wiggly and cute, and its super tiny heart was beating fast and well. The doctor said it looks like me...I am not sure that I should have taken that for a compliment though.
Here it is though, our little prune sized tike, at ten weeks and one day old! I know it doesn't look much, but it's ours and we are excited about it!
So we've met our doctors, and we've more or less been introduced to the little prune. It's going to be a great adventure helping this little guy grow and blossom inside me until it gets the real test of coming into the world.
Let the journey carry on!


  1. well that's good that you want to keep your prune... sorta running out of alternative options here...!

  2. that's good that your first visit went well!

  3. Hehe, thanks April, me too! And of course we want to keep it, I wouldn't want it any other way ;)
